



Chlamydia rise linked to testing

Chlamydia rise linked to testing

Escalating Chlamydia Infection rates in the region could be connected to more young people accessing testing services.

Data released by the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) this week show chlamydia transmission rates in the MidCentral District Health Board area have multiplied in the past year.

Between April and June, 300 positive tests for chlamydia were returned in the region - 220 from females and 80 from males.

Anne Robertson, of MidCentral Health Sexual Health Service, said the increase in chlamydia tests could be put down to more young people accessing youth health services.

The peak age range for cases reported through the ESR was between 15 and 24, she said.

"There is an apparent increase in rate looking back retrospectively but it is always difficult to assess whether this is a true increase in rate or reflection of testing patterns," she said. "When there is an increase in numbers of cases, it is hard to determine whether there is an increase in prevalence or an increase in case detection because of increased testing."

The rate of chlamydia in the region between April and June was 177 cases per 100,000 people - up from 160 at the same time last year.

The amount of tests done in the region also increased to 1759 per 100,000 and is the highest it has been in two years.

It was difficult to estimate what or when the peak would be.

"As there is current interest in increasing the provision of youth services, there may be small ongoing increases in testing," she said. "It appears recent testing may have increased disproportionately in women as there is some divergence in notifications between males and females."

Tairawhiti District Health Board has the highest rates of chlamydia, with 353 cases per 100,000.


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Chlamydia, gonorrhea tied to higher risk of pregnancy complications

Chlamydia, gonorrhea tied to higher risk of pregnancy complications

Women with Chlamydia Infection or gonorrhea infections before or during pregnancy are at increased risk for pregnancy complications such as stillbirth and premature birth, a new study suggests.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 350,000 Australian women who had their first child between 1999 and 2008. Of those women, 1 percent had at least one chlamydia infection before they gave birth, and 81 percent of those women were diagnosed before they became pregnant.

The study also found that 0.6 percent of the women had a gonorrhea infection before they gave birth, and nearly 85 percent of those women were diagnosed before they became pregnant. Half of the women diagnosed with gonorrhea had also previously been infected with chlamydia, found researchers Dr. Bette Liu, at the University of New South Wales, and colleagues.

Among all the women in the study, 4 percent had an unplanned premature birth, 12 percent had babies who were small for their gestational age, and 0.6 percent had stillborn babies.

After taking into account factors known to increase the risk of birth complications -- including age, poverty, smoking and health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure -- the researchers found that a prior infection with either chlamydia or gonorrhea also increased the risk.

Women who'd had chlamydia transmission were 17 percent more likely to have an unplanned premature birth and 40 percent more likely to have a stillborn baby. There was no increased risk of having a baby that was small for its gestational age.

For women who'd had chlamydia, the risk of an unplanned premature birth did not differ between those diagnosed with an infection more than a year before conception, within a year of conception, or during the pregnancy.

Women who had had gonorrhea were more than twice as likely to have an unplanned premature birth, but they were not at increased risk of having a baby that was small for its gestational age, according to the study published online Sept. 4 in the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Not enough data existed to determine the impact that gonorrhea infection had on the risk of stillbirth.

These findings don't prove that chlamydia and gonorrhea infections actually cause pregnancy complications, but do suggest that such infections may be important in predicting pregnancy complications, the study authors concluded.

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Gonorrhea, Syphilis Up, Chlamydia Down in County, Health Officials Say

Gonorrhea, Syphilis Up, Chlamydia Down in County, Health Officials Say

The number of gonorrhea cases in San Diego County last year was 10 percent higher than the year before, according to an annual report of sexually transmitted diseases by the county Health and Human Services Agency.

The number of diagnosed gonorrhea cases went from 2,597 in 2012 to 2,865 last year, with the bulk of the increase among men, officials said Monday. Women account for less than one-third of the infections reported in the county, according to the HHSA.

The agency also reported that primary and secondary syphilis cases increased by 4 percent, from 333 cases in 2012 to 347 cases last year, with the vast majority occurring in men.

Meanwhile, the number of Chlamydia Cure dropped by 4 percent, from 16,538 cases in 2012 to 16,042 in 2013.

chlamydia discharge is the most commonly reported STD in San Diego and California, and young women between 15 and 24 years of age continue to have the highest rates of infection, according to the HHSA.

“A decline in chlamydia cases was reported for the first time in several years, and that is good news for San Diego County,” said Dr. Wilma Wooten, the county’s public health officer. “However, this is just a one-year drop. Sexually active individuals should continue to take precautionary measures to avoid getting infected with chlamydia and other STDs, especially since gonorrhea and syphilis cases went up.”

STD prevention is part of the county’s “Live Well San Diego” initiative, which aims to improve the health and well-being of local residents.

“Young women are particularly susceptible to long-term complications of STDs since they can result in infertility and other long-term reproductive health problems,” said Dr. M. Winston Tilghman, a senior physician and STD controller for the county. “Individuals can decrease their risk of STDs by talking openly about them with their partners, using condoms, practicing mutual monogamy and getting tested on a regular basis.”

As in the rest of the state, profound racial disparities exist with regard to STDs. Blacks have the highest rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea and early syphilis, according to the HHSA report.

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Chlamydia Cases Increase In US, Efficient Prevention and Treatment Are Needed

Chlamydia Cases Increase In US, Efficient Prevention and Treatment Are Needed

“More cases of sexually transmitted diseases were reported last year than ever before,” federal officials said on Oct 19, 2016. More than 1.5 million people were reported with Chlamydia Cure, the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

Among the chlamydia discharge, gay and bisexual men account for many of the new cases, and the biggest numbers are among young adults, especially those in their late teens and early 20s. "Half of all STDs occur in youth under age 20," said Mermin, director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.

In order to reduce the chlamydia cases, it’s essential to know how to have a safe sexual life. The prevention below are helpful for avoiding getting infected with chlamydia.
▪ Use condoms correctly every time you have sex.
▪ Wash your genital areas before and after sexual intercourse.
▪ Limit the number of sex partners, and do not go back and forth between partners.
▪ Practice sexual abstinence, or limit sexual contact to one uninfected partner.
▪ If you think you are infected, avoid sexual contact and see a doctor.

Though Chlamydia can be cured by antibiotics, people often don’t even know they are infected since the symptoms of this disease are unnoticeable within one to three weeks. When they noticed the signs of Chlamydia and go to get a treatment, the condition sometimes may be severe, which will increase the difficulty in curing.

Recent years, new herbal medicine called Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill (for men) and Fuyan Pill (for women) are proven to have good effect on curing Chlamydia. As more and more people are realized the side effects of antibiotics, this kind of medicine may be a new trend on curing STD. The herbs in the pills can clearing away heat and toxins so that the pathogenic bacteria can be eradicated. They can also provide good effect on eliminating the pain and removing inflammation by promoting the blood and qi circulation. During the treatment, patients don’t need to take other medicines since the pills have comprehensive functions. The purely natural formula won’t do any harm to kidneys and liver. Therefore, patients can keep a continuous treatment.

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Males Don’t Need To Be Afraid Of Chlamydia. It Can Be Cured Naturally!

Males Don’t Need To Be Afraid Of Chlamydia. It Can Be Cured Naturally!

Chlamydia Cure is a kind of sexually transmitted disease (STD). Through nearly 20 years of study on Chlamydia, it indicates that it can lead to various genital track diseases. Its infectious rate has exceeded the gonorrhoea, and become the STD with the highest morbidity in the world.

Commonly, males with chlamydia discharge have to suffer form a series of discomforts, such as clear or cloudy discharge form the tip of the penis, painful urination, burning and itching around the opening of the penis, pain and swelling around the testicles. These symptoms can severely affect patients’ life.

For curing Chlamydia, antibiotic treatment is the most common one. However, due to its side effects like drug resistance and tolerance, liver and kidney damages, many patients are afraid of causing further harm to the body. Recently, US’s Food and Drug Administration was asked to restrict the use of antibiotics for the development of drug resistance can do harm to humans. In fact, both the overuse and misuse of antibiotics can affect the curative effect and make the condition become more difficult to cure.

A new hope come to males with Chlamydia, a herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has proven to be efficient to cure chlamydia. Since Chlamydia is caused by pathogens, the pill can work well on eradicating pathogens which can cause the disease by clearing away heat and toxins. The semen plantaginis, talc, dianthus superbus, and polygonum aviculare in this pill have the function of inducing diuresis to relieve stranguira, thus, the pain and burning sensation during the treatment can be eliminated. Besides, it can also provide good effect on promoting the circulation of blood to alleviate the pain and swelling. What’s more, it has no side effects so patients can take a continuous treatment without worrying about anything.

This herbal medication can be regarded as a natural treatment since it’s made from herbs. In addition to the treatment, male patients should also keep to the food prohibitions. As spicy and stimulating food like chili, garlic, pepper can make the condition worse, it’s of necessity to stay away form these food during the treatment.

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