



Three Things You Can Do To Ensure Chlamydia Treatment Will Give You Outstanding Results

Three Things You Can Do To Ensure Chlamydia Treatment Will Give You Outstanding Results

Enhancing the effectiveness of treatment for Chlamydia Treatment is possible if you make sure to do three things. The mere fact that Chlamydia is essentially a bacterial infection naturally leads us to the conclusion that it could be easily managed. But reality is not as simple as we think. Those who have had experience with the condition would be the first to tell you that managing it is not as easy as it sounds. There are many cases where patients have to suffer this affliction for long stretches of time. There are, in fact, patients who end up having to suffer major consequences (including long term damages to their reproductive systems) on account of Chlamydia. Simply put, the treatment of Chlamydia is not always effective. To make the treatments effective, therefore, we have to take it upon ourselves and take some action.

If you want to make your chlamydia bacterial infection more effective, the first thing you can do is to make sure you use antibiotics that are actually stronger. It is true that the bacteria which causes this particular type of infection doesn't seem to have developed resistance to most antibiotics. It happens to be one of those rare forms of bacteria with a slow evolution process. This, however, does not mean you should just leave it alone and do nothing about it. It is important to treat Chlamydia with the seriousness it deserves: keeping in mind the fact that this is a condition which can, among other things, cause infertility if not properly treated. Patients should be taught that the prescribed antibiotics should be completed accordingly with respect to their whole doses. Once patients see some of their symptoms dissipate or lessen, they decide to just stop taking in the antibiotics and throw the rest away. It becomes important for the clinician to educate the patient on the difference between relief from symptoms and real cure. The patient needs to be educated on the fact that the objective in the antibiotic therapy for Chlamydia is not just to gain relief from the symptoms, but also to bring about a definitive cure. Not finishing antibiotics doses properly is one way of abusing antibiotics, which could then lead to the bacteria that causes Chlamydia to develop a resistance to it, thereby not working at all for the treatment. It is important that the patient realizes the possibility of being subjected to more intense and invasive treatment measures if the earlier antibiotic therapy failed and the bacteria developed immunity to the antibiotics.

Early initiation of the Chlamydia treatment would also effectively increase the chances of the treatment working. Once the diagnosis has been made, make sure to start treatment right away. If treatment is not initiated immediately, the bacteria are given a chance to keep on multiplying. While that is happening, the reproductive system could also be taking massive hits. The damage it sustains would not be something that can be fixed by any of the antibiotics the patient will be taking.

If there is another way to enhance the potency or effectiveness of the treatment for Chlamydia, it would be a good idea to also seek treatment for the sexual partners of the patients. The bacterial infection could still come back even after a successful treatment. It will only become a vicious cycle: the infection becomes cured, then it comes back, gets cured again, and then just keeps coming back.


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The prevention ways about Chlamydia infection

The prevention ways about Chlamydia infection

There is no doubt that Chlamydia Treatment is one of the most widespread bacteria over the world. The most common spread way is sexual intercourse. Thus, we also call it sexually transmitted disease. No matter you are a girl or a boy, both of you have a chance to infect Chlamydia bacteria. Sometimes, people with Chlamydia has no symptoms, sometimes, people with Chlamydia can experience urgent and frequent urination, pain on penis in men or on vagina in women, abnormal secretions, sharp pain when urinating and pain on lower back or abdomen. As long as you have chlamydia bacterial infection, it can bring permanent damage to your health.

Chlamydia can be easily diagnosed by urine test sample or cotton swan sample from the penis. Some people who have infected without any awareness can transmit it to their partners. on the contrary, it also can lead to impairment of their health. What's more, no one can escape the damages of Chlamydia.

If there are no symptoms of Chlamydia infection, it is a silent disease and is dangerous. Because of the absence of its symptoms, it is best for them to practice the prevention measures recommended by doctors.

Limit you sexual partners. The more partners you have, the higher incidence you can get. You cannot make sure every one are healthy and without any transmitted diseases. Thus, the best to prevent this disease it limiting your sexual partners.
If you cannot limit your partners, you can use condom to reduce the incidence of infection. Because the Chlamydia is transmitted via penis and vagina secretions, so the condom can separate the contact of semen or other secretions.
Take treatment with your partner. Many people who have Chlamydia infection are without any symptoms, so they can transmit the bacteria for their partners without any awareness. Thus, it is better for them to cure this disease at the same time.
Take masturbation replace sexual intercourse. Masturbation can stop the body secretion exchanging. Thus, it is a good way to make you far away from Chlamydia infection.

But there is no need for those people who already had chlamydia to worry about. Many therapies are used to cure this disease. Fuyan Pill and Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill invented by Dr. Lee are good enough to heal it totally. Because of the different structure of reproductive organs between man and woman, thus, the Fuyan Pill is for woman, and the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is used for man.

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A Quick and Easy Guide to Chlamydia Diagnosis

A Quick and Easy Guide to Chlamydia Diagnosis

Chlamydia Treatment is the most frequently reported STD out there, with more than a million new infections in America annually according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Caused by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis, it infects the cervix in women and the urethra and rectum in both men and women (though sometimes it will show up elsewhere, like the throat or eyes). Because it's often asymptomatic, chlamydia testing is paramount for all sexually active persons, especially for women under the age of 26; doctors recommend yearly testing for them. Fortunately, chlamydia falls squarely under the "curable" category, and timely chlamydia testing can wipe the disease right out with no long-term effects.

Gender Bias

There's no question: chlamydia bacterial infection has a worse rap for women. Up to 75% of infected women will either have no symptoms or symptoms easily mistaken for other ailments (frequent urination, abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, etc.) Moreover, complications for untreated chlamydia are more serious for women, up to and including Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). This can severely damage the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, dramatically increasing the chance of ectopic pregnancy, premature birth, or even infertility. Due to its severity and easily available treatments, women have no excuse not to investigate symptoms should they arise.

For men, on the other hand, chlamydia usually manifests telltale symptoms such as painful or swollen testicles, a cloudy discharge, and pain while urinating. Complications are less common in men and are typically limited to inflammation of the urethra or the testicles. This does not excuse men from seeking chlamydia testing. Every responsible, sexually active adult should take steps to limit exposure and identify troubling symptoms. Keep in mind that chlamydia is known as the "silent disease" for a reason: it often goes completely undetected, even in late stages with considerable reproductive impairment.

Healthcare providers have a couple options when it comes to chlamydia testing. A site-specific swab can harvest samples for laboratory analysis from the urethra (men), cervix (women), or rectum (in the case of receptive anal sex). This type of chlamydia testing is the most reliable and most often administered to women, with results usually arriving within one week. For men, the favored chlamydia test involves a urine sample; these are more effective because the site of infection on a man is usually the urethra, through which urine must pass to produce a sample.

In the laboratory, testing may involve growth cultures, DNA analysis, or antibody detection to acquire a definitive result. New medical technology has produced a rapid urine test for men, providing trustworthy results in one visit within one hour. Expect to see this chlamydia testing option become more widespread as time goes on.

On to Treatment!

Once a positive diagnosis is verified, treatment is relatively easy and predictable. Antibiotics such as azithromycin or doxycycline are prescribed, with the course of treatment lasting up to one week. It's important to notify your doctor if you have any medical allergies or if you are pregnant-this will provide crucial information to determine the course of treatment, including the choice of antibiotics. Be fastidious about taking antibiotic tablets, because an interrupted course of treatment usually means you have to start over.

Of course, no sexual intercourse of any type should take place between chlamydia testing and the completion of the antibiotic cycle. It is highly recommended that all sexual partners from the last 60 days also seek chlamydia testing, advising, and treatment. Otherwise, re-infection becomes likely, with dire reproductive health consequences. Anyone receiving treatment for chlamydia should follow up 3 months later with another chlamydia testing procedure to make sure the treatment was effective.

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Therapeutic Method Towards Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Infections

Therapeutic Method Towards Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Infections

After infected with Mycoplasma and Chlamydia Treatment, many patients become particularly upset. On the one hand, this disease is mainly transmitted by sex, which will make the patients embarrassed from going to the hospital; on the other hand, there are some difficulties in treating these diseases due to its relapse possibilities and great harm. So, what is the therapeutic method toward Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections? Which method is the optimum?

In fact, Mycoplasma and chlamydia transmission are the common diseases of the genitourinary system, so we have summarized many clinical experiences in treating these two diseases. Although the treatment toward Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections varies, it can be generally divided into the two broad types, which respectively are western medicine treatment and Chinese medicine treatment. And we will make a specific introduction about these two methods in the following.

Firstly, as for western medicine, the treatments against Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections focus on the process of sterilization. Only by the elimination of pathogen, could we cure the disease. So, in western clinic treatment, the doctors will use the antibiotic therapy in most cases. And the antibiotics normally used for treating Mycoplasma and Chlamydia diseases are summarized as twelve types, respectively is JOS(Josamycin), CLA(clarithromycin), AZM(azithromycin), erythromycin, ROX(roxithromycin), DOX(doxycycline0, TET(tetracycline), MIN( Minocycline), SPA(sparfloxacin), OFL(ofloxacin), LML(lomefloxacin), levofloxacin.

Among these twelve kinds of antibiotics, the most used drugs are the TET, DOX, etc. which mainly depends on the result from the drug sensitive test taken by the patients. Although antibiotics have a prompt effect on treating Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections, they have still produced some side effects, which caused multi-concern and controversy. Due to its side effects like drug resistance, antibiotics cannot become the optimum treatment. What's more, in a sense, this kind of therapies is the basic cause of relapse.

However, comparatively speaking, the traditional Chinese medicine has a more comprehensive therapeutic schedule. Because Chinese medicine strives for holistic therapy, with regard to treating Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections, we claim to not only eliminate the pathogen, but also remove its complications, which include many diseases incident to men like prostatitis and epididymitis. For those patients, they could receive a comprehensive and systematic treatment by taking Diuretic Anti-inflammatory Pill, so as to reach an effect of treating both symptoms and causes.

Diuretic Anti-inflammatory is an empirical formula of veteran physician in TCM for more than several decades, which is also a state patent medicine. This medicine enjoys the function of clearing heat and removing toxicity, which helps to eliminate pathogenic bacterium, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and other pathogen. In combination with the other functions like inducing diuresis for treating stranguria, promoting circulation and removing stasis, invigorating spleen to remove dampness, Diuretic Anti-inflammatory Pill could come in cuing the different symptoms and complications to really complete a comprehensive treatment. More importance is that traditional Chinese medicine does not have any side effects, and has become a safer choice for Mycoplasma and Chlamydia treatment.

As mentioned above, a specific introduction about the treatment towards Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections has been made. So, how to choose an optimum method to treat Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections? In fact, it depends on the specific situation of each patient. Generally speaking, the patients in acute phase could try to use antibiotics at first, considering that antibiotics enjoy prompt effect, which does apply to the patients in acute phase. However, if their antibiotic treatment to no effect, or their Mycoplasma and Chlamydia infections has imperiled to your other organs, at this time, the traditional Chinese medicine without any side effect could be their best choice to nurse their health.

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Does Azithromycin Tablet Work Well in Treating Chlamydia Trachomatis?

Does Azithromycin Tablet Work Well in Treating Chlamydia Trachomatis?

Ms. Wang is from Wuhan, China. One year ago, due to the lower abdominal pain and hypermenorrhea, Ms. Wang received a hospital checking, and was diagnosed with endometritis and chlamydia trachomatis infection. Her doctor asked her to take doxycycline. However, the symptoms decreased at first, but it failed to cure the disease. Then a friend told her azithromycin tablet is very helpful for the Chlamydia Treatment, Ms. Wang dared not arbitrarily take the medicine.

Actually, patients like Ms. Wang are very common in clinic. Chlamydia trachomatis infection, a kind of sexual contact transmission disease, is easy to induce diseases of the urogenital system. And almost half of the female patients are accompanied by endometritis.

For these diseases, western medicine mainly uses the antibiotic treatment, including josamycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, doxycycline, and so on. As azithromycin is in this scope, azithromycin tablet works for chlamydia trachomatis infection. But even so, patients should not use it arbitrarily.

The antibiotics are generally chosen according to the patient's medicine sensitive experiment. Besides, the drug resistance of antibiotics is difficult to remove. According to the description of Ms. Wang, "although the symptoms are relieved, the disease has not been eradicated", this is usually considered that the antibiotics already produced drug resistance.

Ms. Wang finally chose traditional Chinese medicine to treat the disease, which is a very wise choice. Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of several thousand years. Through the constant clinical use and improvement, the current traditional Chinese medicine has been mature enough in treating many diseases. For the chlamydia transmission patients with endometritis, they are advised to directly take fuyan pill.

Fuyan pill is a full traditional Chinese medicine formula that has a higher success rate in treating female mycoplasma and chlamydia infection. On the basis of ancient prescription, Dr. Lee constantly improved it, and finally created the intact formula.

With the effects of clearing heat, eliminating toxic materials, dissolving blood stasis etc., fuyan pill can effectively kill a variety of bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, chlamydia and some other pathogens. It works well in eliminating the abnormal leucorrhea, pain and some other symptoms of gynecological diseases. Meanwhile, it can adjust the overall function of patients, thus restoring normal physiology.

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